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Hebrew editing and proofreading

Sela Torah Books Editing


Jewish literature, Chiddushei Torah, Sifrei Halacha & Hashkofa, Torah books

Need an editor for your Chiddushei Torah?

Do you want to make sure that your Sefer is written clearly and fluently and is easy to read?

Do you want your Chiddushim to be easily accepted by learners?

Are you interested in someone to review and proofread your texts?

Do you want to add notes, references or an Index?

You have come to the right place!

I am an experienced editor for major publishers

and independent authors
and will be happy to help you achieve

be"h all of this and more.

Book Pages

A little about me

My name is Yonatan Oshinsky and I am an experienced linguistic editor and proofreader for some of the most prominent Jewish publishing companies, seforim, Rabbonim and private individuals.

I am skilled in the proofreading and the editing of Torah books, Hebrew texts, Chiddushei Torah, Halachot and more. I can simplify the most complex sentences making them more digestible for the reader.


Born and raised in Jerusalem, I am a native Hebrew (and Lashon Ha-Kodesh) speaker as well as an English speaker. I am a Yeshiva and Kollel graduate and have Smicha from a number of Rabbonim.


​​My expertise both in Halacha and Hashkofa topics as well as 'lomdish' Gemora sugyos, has earned me a reputation in the field of seforim-publishing in Israel and abroad.


I am currently a professional Hebrew editor at the prestigious 'Artscroll' publishing house. I have previously also edited texts for the ‘Talmudic Encyclopedia’ publishing house, Machon 'Oiz Vehadar’, the 'Vayakhel Moshe' Institute and others. I have undertaken editing and the proofreading of dozens of seforim written by private authors, ranging from famous Talmidei Chachamim and Rosh Yeshivas to people in various professions.


To see my portfolio click here >>


To see some of my articles click here >>


My experience


Our Valued Clients

Professional Hebrew Editing and Proofreading Services​​

אור חדש_edited
המאורות הגדולים_edited_edited_edited
באר יעקב צבי_edited_edited
נתיב שמעתתא_edited_edited
מדרש רבה_edited_edited
ואני תפילה_edited_edited_edited
ויקהל משה תמונה_edited
שוע מתיבתא_edited
Book Pages

Try one of our services

Delivering accurate, timely, and cost-effective editing services to suit your every need.

  • General editing and proofreading

  • Index editing and / or Blog editing

  • Professional linguistic editing and proofreading

  • Chiddushei Torah editing and proofreading

  • Torah texts editing and proofreading

  • Jewish books linguistic editing and proofreading

Book Pages
How does it work?

How does it work?

You send me a sample of the text that you would like to publish. I read through it and let you know what needs to be improved or changed. I then prepare a short editing sample of the material that you have sent and quote you based on that.

If the text is handwritten, I send it to be typed before editing. If necessary, I have a team of editors to assist me in shortening the turn around time.

After the text is edited and complete, I can also accompany the entire publishing process should you wish.

Please note that I only edit Seforim in Hebrew.


Sela Torah Books Editing is committed to delivering accurate, high-quality, timely, and cost-effective editing and proofreading services to all of its valued clients.

You are welcome to contact me for any questions via phone, mail or complete the contact form below.

Looking forward to hearing from you! 


Contact us


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